10 April 2007

another summer day..

it's been a while since i blog.. hm.. today is just another summer day in my office, well yeah Jakarta is always hot.. lucky we got very cold air condition here. I can't imagine to live without one.. meebe we'll get used to it some day, and maybe at that time women will all be skinny.. cos it's like sauna rite.. hehe

it's so hot outside and yet it's fullon cloudy, wierd huh? it's seem that world has gone crazy, maybe earth is really angry.. when u think about it, flood, flight accident, tsunamy, earthquake, mud flood, typoon, thunderstorm and heavy rain have come and go so often.. scary huh?
hm.. probably it's nearly end of the world, a friend told me that someone has been given some "seeing" from God, that it's nearly end of the world and earth is angry, start from lapindo mud flood that will never stop till 30 years time or meebe more, can't imagine when it reach Surabaya, flights accident, it's already 3 planes since january 2007 even garuda!! not mentioning some nearly accident planes, ship accident, tsunami, earthquake, and more and more disaster coming.. and she said that a big flood will hit Jakarta soon... OH NOT AGAIN!!!!!!

Is it human error?? or the earth is really angry??
it's so depressing to think about it, eh?.. ah well.. meebe it's time to reflect to ourself and be good, so nothing bad is gonna happen to us..

hm talking about flood, duku palembang (one kind of fruit) is everywhere at this time of the year and so cheap.. it's only Rp 5000/kg for the medium size and Rp 6000 for big size!! it's sweet, addictive and u just cant stop! you can get it everywhere on the street, they sell it on the pickup car.. and i'm eating one rite now hehe..


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